Advanced Lean Six Sigma Begins Sept. 17
Lean pracitioners can learn to develop and enhance their leadership capabilities and gain a deeper understanding of Lean Six Sigma concepts, tools and statistical methods with this much anticipated advanced course for Lean practitioners. Presented by HASC in collaboration with the Institute for Performance Excellence, Advanced Lean Six Sigma Concepts builds competencies across the advanced tools of DMAIC with a special focus on data analysis using Minitab statistical software.
The five-session course will take place Sept. 17-21 at Methodist Hospital of Southern California.
Learn to manage organizational-wide Lean Six Sigma projects, advise management on how to plan and execute a Lean Six Sigma strategy, and mentor Lean Six Sigma practitioners—all from certified Lean experts. Participants will learn to carry out a detailed risk analysis and develop a mitigation strategy, as well as apply Lean management tools and develop and execute sustainable control plans.
Prerequisites include: HASC’s Lean Practitioners course or equivalent; HASC’s Intermediate Data Management course, or a university-level or other formal statistical course(s), or previous Black Belt Six Sigma education (to be verified); proficiency with Minitab and Excel, and a working copy of Minitab to be installed on student’s computer.
The course is $1,500 for HASC members and $1,750 for non-members.