Associate Member Luncheon Focuses on Future of Health Care
Nearly 30 associate members attended HASC’s annual Associate Member Luncheon on Friday, Sept. 30 at the HASC-LA Office to hear about the future of health care from HASC staff.
Jim Barber, president and CEO of HASC, presented an overview of the health care environment, touching on the need for better physician alignment, clinical integration and improved productivity in order to meet the demands of reform.
Jim Lott, HASC’s executive vice president, provided an update of the recent legislative session highlighting recent hospital gains, including approval of the hospital fee program, delay in implementing seismic safety regulations and other key concerns.
Mark Gamble, senior vice president and chief operation officer, introduced new HASC services including Lodestone Data Connect, Southern California Operating Room Excellence initiative, and Institute for Performance Excellence.
The luncheon is an annual event where associate members get an insider’s look at issues concerning hospitals and an opportunity to voice concerns about their changing role in the industry.
Associate membership offers non-hospital organizations–such as consulting firms, architectural groups, law firms and education organizations–opportunities to expand their network and access essential industry resources. For more information, view the presentation at