Feb. 29 Palliative Care Conference Will Focus on Care Transitions
HASC’s 4th Annual Palliative Care Conference, set for Feb. 29 at Quiet Cannon Conference and Event Center, Montebello, will focus on care transitions and feature key figures in palliative care program development and operations as well as post-acute care outreach.
Sessions from the event will demonstrate how each piece of this movement is growing, leading to significant cost reduction and improved quality of care and quality of life for patients, families and communities.
End-of-life care and the various options for patients with chronic, life-threatening diseases are becoming a centerpiece of health care reform discussions. As more hospitals develop their in-house palliative care programs, this national initiative has moved to post-acute care settings using integrated delivery system models across the continuum of care.
Track I will feature a national faculty of experts with case studies from hospital programs. Track 2 will focus on post-acute continuum of care, highlighting the power and effectiveness of palliative care and hospice care.