ReddiNet® Drill Successfully Tests New Capacity Standard
This year, working with local EMS Administrators (LEMSA), the ReddiNet team enhanced its capacity to handle more system users and more transactions. With the LEMSA’s guidance, ReddiNet set a new standard as the first supplier to design a custom all-hazards load testing tool, and the first to establish a capacity standard specifically for California hospitals responding to an earthquake.
ReddiNet conducted its initial system test of the new standard on July 20. More than 95 percent of our subscribed hospitals participated in a drill designed to “slam the system.” Within the first 30 minutes of the one hour drill, the system successfully handled more than 400 individual users, 55 mass casualty incidents, 1,000 messages and 13 county-specific assessment polls, surpassing prior capacity tests by 40 percent. The test used only 12 percent of ReddiNet’s recently expanded capacity, demonstrating that ReddiNet has plenty to spare.
This experience reinforces the importance of regular full-capacity drills for any emergency response system. A big thanks to our hospitals for their support and regular practice on ReddiNet. It’s only through their thorough utilization of the system that ReddiNet can continue to test accurately.