CHPAC Begins Critical 2018 Election Year Effort
The California Hospital Association Political Action Committee (CHPAC) is CHA’s political arm. Its purpose is to help elect candidates who understand the vital role hospitals play as part of the state’s health care system, and the positive impact hospitals have on the economy.
You can become an integral part of the elective process by joining CHPAC, which raises money to help elect, educate and build relationships with policymakers who care about the continued viability of hospitals in California. It is imperative to foster and maintain relationships with those that demonstrate support of our member hospitals. We also have a responsibility to educate those that might be unfamiliar with the unique challenges facing our industry.
The 2018 election cycle will be one of the busiest in recent years. Tens of millions of dollars will continue to be spent by both business and labor interests, and every contribution CHPAC receives will be spent thoughtfully to make the most impact.
The HASC region has set a fundraising target of $357,200 as part of a statewide effort to reach $1.1 million in campaign support.
Please consider helping us meet this goal in the following ways:
Make a personal contribution to CHPAC at the President’s or Diamond Club Level
Appoint a CHPAC Campaign Coordinator. It’s easy — we will do all the work to meet legal requirements.
Encourage and educate your leadership about the importance of CHPAC.
Attend CHPAC events in your local area.
A pledge form is attached below, or you can contribute online at
Jennifer Bayer
(213) 538-0730