Health Care Workforce Survey Update
Workforce challenges have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact has prompted HASC to re-examine its workforce data collecting and reporting efforts. The availability of accurate workforce data is critical because it quantifies issues and allows for better decision making based on facts rather than anecdotes. Furthermore, this data is useful in identifying shortages and assists with analyzing workforce trends and anticipating changes.
That being said, effective April 1, 2022, the quarterly Health Care Workforce Survey, run by the Hospital Association of Southern California (“HASC”), FutureSense and Maseke, is going to have several qualitative changes implemented that will improve the user experience and utilization of the report. “Data collected from this survey are used by member hospitals and as an external industry benchmark to compare their own internal workforce metrics. The association also utilizes these data to help inform our advocacy work”, said Teri Hollingsworth, Vice President HR & Education.
While the Workforce Survey will continue to capture data on a quarterly basis to include vacancies, turnover rates and ascension rates, participants will experience the following new features during the 1st Qtr. 2022 data collection period:
- A full implementation on
- A new simplified input template for both single and multi-facility users to submit their information via a Microsoft Excel upload, rather than manually entering data through the survey portal alone
- A new streamlined output format that will allow participants to see the completed survey results in a clean, analytical format
- Pre-populated data from previous quarter’s submissions, which will reduce the time required to participate in the survey
- Enhanced and more streamlined questions
- New jobs captured
- Supplemental data from the State of California Employment Development Department, which shows demographic information of California by region, as well as healthcare job statistics
All hospitals are encouraged to participate in this survey. We anticipate hosting an information session in February to go over these changes in detail for members.
If you have any questions or comments to Teri Hollingsworth at or Lisa Mitchell at
With questions on event registration information, please contact Lisa Mitchell, HASC Workforce Development Program Manager, for more information.
Lisa Mitchell
(213) 538-0722