Nurse Intervention Event Wraps Up Two Sessions, Plans San Diego Date
A total of 80 people participated in this year’s Board of Registered Nursing and Healthcare Professionals Intervention/Diversion Program. The five-hour seminar was offered in the Los Angeles Area on April 10 and in the Inland Empire on April 11.
The program is designed to provide hospitals with critical information on the Board of Registered Nursing and Healthcare Professionals’ Intervention Program and Diversion Program. The seminar featured Virginia Matthews, project manager for MAXIMUS, the nursing board’s administrative vendor, and Gina Skinner, BRN intervention program analyst, who provided an overview of the scope and function of the diversion program. The seminar also addressed the stigma of drug addiction, controversies surrounding the diversion program and data on program effectiveness.
A third program is being scheduled for San Diego in June. As of press time, the date and location were not yet set.
Karen Ochoa
(213) 538-0765