ObamaCare harbinger to single payer system?
Submitted by Visitor on February 5, 2013 - 10:14am.
No matter who sets up the health insurance exchanges, the feds will define the details of coverage for the majority of health insurance policies. Huge amounts of taxpayer money will now be funneled into subsidizing health insurance, while medical care access will decrease with the anticipated reductions in payments to doctors. Many Americans will be shifted to Medicaid even though some states will reject its initial expansion. More employers are likely to reduce their health benefits or move away from scenarios where they are required to offer coverage. More employees will be forced to change their coverage and, unfortunately, their doctors too. Many private health insurance options, including some of the most popular lower cost plans, will be eliminated by the actuarial and benefits-design requirements of the law. And finally, the government could provide a Medicaid product priced lower than commercial offerings and utlimately become the single payer.
The affordable health care
Submitted by Eugene Thomas (not verified) on March 30, 2013 - 7:43pm.
The affordable health care has large impact on employers as they have to pay penalty if they are not providing the lowest coverage to the employees. This will force the employers to cover all the employees who are not opting for any health coverage plan. But many employees are not aware of this point in the affordable care act.
ObamaCare harbinger to single payer system?
The affordable health care