Innovative Hospital Program to Address Homelessness
Submitted by Barry Ross (not verified) on March 27, 2014 - 8:44am.
St. Jude Medical Center initiated a Community Care Navigation program to address the needs of the homeless in our community. When Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man was beaten by the police in Fullerton and died it caused the entire community to reflect on how we were meeting the needs of the homeless. The Medical Center was asked what our experience was with the homeless. We pulled data for those individuals who did not provide an address and identified a number of patients who made many visits to our Emergency Department annually - including one man who came in 65 times. We decided to pilot a model where a social worker who had been assigned to the ED would be freed up to develop a relationship with our homeless patients and try to link them up to community services. In 2013, the primary reason for the 369 homeless indivduals who she saw who came to the ER were mental illness (30%), substance abuse (24%) and no food, clothing or housing (30%). Our Navigator implemented an organized clothing and toiletry closet supported by hospital employees. Her interventions included: building a relationship, providing direct resources such as clothing, charity medications and bus passes, and linking patients to medical and social resources. She is able to make sure patients get to needed appointments, are able to apply for benefits and connect them to any available service that will improve their health and quality of life. In addition, she has been involved in advocacy efforts to increase services for the homeless in Orange County. For more information please call 714-992-3996.
Innovative Hospital Program to Address Homelessness
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