Rapid Application for Medical Programs (RAMP)
Web-based screening and application tool
Health care reform sets new requirements for facilitating coverage for uninsured patients. Ensure your patients receive the care and financial assistance they need while reducing your costs and administrative burdens with RAMP powered by R&B Solutions.
What is RAMP?
RAMP, short for Rapid Applications for Medical Programs, is a customized web-based tool to screen for financial assistance programs in your state, counties and hospitals, including:
- Medi-Cal Programs for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled, as well as Family programs for Parents, Pregnant Women, Minor Children under 21, Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program, etc.
- CMSP: County Medical Services Program Serving rural counties in California
- Crime Victim Compensation
- Section 1011 program for undocumented aliens
- Hospital Financial Assistance/Charity Program
During the interview process, RAMP identifies the best potential program for your uninsured patient based on household and financial considerations. It then provides the appropriate application form for the program, auto-populating certain fields and allowing staff to include attachments like medical releases and charity documents. The system even facilitates income estimation, address verifications and the gathering of other financial information so your staff can save time, achieve greater accuracy—and faster reimbursements.
How can RAMP benefit my hospital?
- Improve patient outcomes
- Enhance net revenueReduce future costs of care
- Reduce cost of administrative burden
Hospitals experience increased success using RAMP as shown in the charts below:

Case Study by R& B Solutions: UC Health*
RAMP increases productivity
- 25% increase in Medicaid and charity care screenings
- Increased program screenings sevenfold
- Increased Medicaid screenings fourfold
RAMP boosts ROI
- 11% increase Medicaid reimbursement
- 31% decrease in bad debt write-off
- $1.5 million of savings in paper costs
How much does RAMP cost?
HASC is offering member hospitals a discounted annual rate of $2,600 per user, per hospital. Typical fees for similar products range from $3,000 to $6,000 per user, per year.
Be prepared to support the demands of the estimated five million uninsured Californians who could gain access to health care in 2014. Find out more about RAMP–contact us today.
*ROI will vary for each organization. UC Health is University Hospital and has 35 users. It is a 900 bed hospital in a poor urban area of Cincinnati.