Relieving Mental Health Crisis
Submitted by Clarke Underwood (not verified) on June 30, 2014 - 11:24am.
Marty - We are interested in getting more information on Grant opportunities for developing and or operating Crisis Residential Beds as an extension of our inpatient psychiatric programs. Would like to get information on the upcoming funding round and the requirements for submitting a grant.
Mental Health Funding for Crisis Residential Centers
Submitted by Clarke Underwood (not verified) on June 30, 2014 - 11:31am.
Marty - we are interested in getting more information on grant funding available for developing and or operating Crisis Residential Centers as an extension of out inpatient psychiatric programs. Specifically would like to learn more about upcoming funding opportunities. Look forward to hearing from you.
Clarke Underwood
SVP finance and Government Relations
Alta Hospitals System, LLC
Relieving Mental Health Crisis
Mental Health Funding for Crisis Residential Centers
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